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Applying for membership

Thank you for your interest in applying to join the Trader Register of home improvement traders. In order to consider your application, please provide us with the requested information about you and your business (*) denotes mandatory information that must be completed). Please select the appropriate trade category for your business, this information will be used to classify traders and allow consumers to search for registered traders both by trade and geographical area.

Your email address, together with your selected password, provides your login details. You may wish to record these details securely for future reference or to update any details to your details provided.
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Our Contact Details
Trader Register - One System - 19 Trader Schemes

To add you Local Authority Trader Scheme to the Trader Register Platform -
Please Contact:-

Siteon Limited
PO BOX 6393
CV37 1QE

T: 0121 288 8980
F: 0